
Supporting the families that have a student in our school as well as those in the broader community is critical to the Southport CoLAB's mission. We are here to help you.

Parent Education

Through our free Community Lecture Series we provide talks on a variety of relevant topics by bringing in both local and nationally known experts. For a more in-depth learning experience, parent workshops are offered on topics such as executive function and assistive technology throughout the school year.  Lecture Series and other programs to be announced soon. Please check back with us.

Are you interested in the early signs of learning disabilities or ADHD? Would you like to better understand your child's anxiety and how to help them navigate it? If so, check out the videos below to learn more.  

Early Signs of Learning Disability/ADHD

Managing Anxiety

Free reading screenings are offered on a monthly basis. For more information please click here


Over the past ten years the legislative landscape around literacy and dyslexia has changed dramatically in both Connecticut and across the country. Due to active parents and advocates, most states in the country have passed some form of literacy laws. For more information about federal and state legislation click here

Our Dyslexic Children Documentary


This 45-minute documentary tells the story of a group of families in Upper Arlington Ohio who came together to change how their public school district taught reading. It's beautifully done film and inspiring story that everyone should hear. 

SeeHearSpeak Podcast