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Executive Function

Now Available! The Southport CoLAB Executive Function Blueprint!

Executive Function (EF) lays the foundation for lifelong academic and personal success. Beyond study skills, EF is an integral part of everyday life, helping us manage emotions, stay focused, and adapt to change. However, EF is often misunderstood and overlooked across the current educational landscape.

That’s why The Southport CoLAB is thrilled to announce the upcoming release of The Executive Function Blueprint: A Practical Framework for the Classroom. Written by The Southport CoLAB’s EF experts and organized to encourage direct implementation in both the classroom and at home, this research based blueprint:

  • Builds educators’ confidence to implement EF frameworks in their classrooms
  • Seamlessly integrates into existing academic curricula, enhancing and complementing current programs
  • Includes straight to the classroom games, multisensory strategies, and tools proven to engage students
  • Builds student agency, encouraging children to take charge of their learning and build independence

The Southport CoLAB Executive Function Blueprint: A Practical Framework for the Classroom is the cornerstone of The Southport CoLAB’s approach to Executive Function and the next offering in its Professional Learning Series, which provides the frameworks and resources educators and families need to teach and support EF skills effectively.

Click the link below to learn more and purchase your copy today!

click here

Executive Function Workshop Sessions

For more information about our Executive Function services, or to discuss personalized Executive Function options for your school or district

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