Quick Tips

Struggling to find a way to help you child or student with a specific task? Sometimes you just need a quick, actionable solution. Take a look.

Accessible Books

Sharon Plante of The Southport School explains accessible books, leading you through two great resources. 

Using Timers

Learn how to use timers to help kids with work flow, time management, and organization with Dr. Kathleen Gallagher of The Southport School. 

iOS Speech to Text/Text to Speech

Speech to Text and Text to Speech are great tools for kids with learning issues. Sharon Plante of The Southport School explains how to use these tools on an IPad. 

Manipulatives with iTool

Learn about how to help your student or child use math manipulatives on iTools with Julia Cascio.


Join Ms. Wilkes to learn some great strategies for helping your child with organizing their day. 


Transitions, whether big or small can be hard. Learn more about transitions, the impact that they can have and some practical tools on how to help your student or child make them smoother with Cadia Wiley. 


Time can be a difficult concept for children to grasp. Here are some quick, simple ways you can help your child or student to begin to better understand the concept of time. 

Reduce Anxiety

Want to help your child or student reduce their anxiety? Jessica Wilkes shares a simple technique in this video. 

MATH: Base Ten

What is base ten and how can it help a student with math? Learn all bout it in this short video with Clorasteen Wilson.

So how does base ten work with addition? Join Clorasteen to learn all about it. 

Digital Resources

Wide Open School is a free collection of online learning experiences for kids curated by the editors at Common Sense. It is categorized for educators and families, from pre-k through 12, and then broken down by topic. 


This evening routine will help you to calm your body and mind for a good nights rest.

Not only did Jessica Wilkes, The Southport School's music director, create this series she also composed and performed the awesome background music!

Have a good night!

Get ready for an awesome day!

Join Jessica Wilkes, Music Director at The Southport School on a morning mindfulness meditation. Ms. Wilkes also composed and performed the background music.

Comprehension Walk

Join Melissa Kinyon, a Speech and Language Pathologist as she shares strategies for boosting your child's language skills through a Comprehension Walk.

Free EdTech Tools

Many TechEd companies are providing free tools to support educators during school closures due to COVID-19. Check out those as well as digital tools that were already free of charge. 

Handwriting Help

A rubber band or hair tie is a cheap and effective way to maintain the ideal tripod pencil grip. Wrap the rubber band around the wrist, twist it into a loop, and slip the end of the pencil into the small loop. The pencil has just enough stability to keep the wrist from wobbling.

Pencil Grip

Try the “flip trick” to obtain the tripod pencil grip. Point the pencil toward you. Pick up the pencil with your thumb and index finger pointing toward you, and flip your wrist up. 

Increasing Vocabulary

Make vocabulary a family affair. Students with learning differences need many exposures to new vocabulary, in a wide variety of contexts, and they benefit greatly from using words immediately in spoken language. Buy or subscribe to a word-a-day calendar that is appropriate for your child; share the word and its meaning with the whole family, and use it throughout the course of the day. One of my favorite resources is Mrs. Wordsmith (https://www.mrswordsmith.com/); this website sells materials appropriate for a wide age range.  The definitions are appropriate, the pictures are fun, and they come in a handy, stand-up flip book that can take a prominent place in your kitchen.

Looking for a tip for a specific situation? Email Info@SouthportCoLAB.org with your questions, ideas, or suggestions.